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Saturday, 25 October 2014

News Kenya


From Wikipedia Lyme is an infectious disease caused by at least three species of bacteria belonging to the genus boreal. Adult deer ticks are the main carriers of Lyme disease.
It’s better to detect Lyme disease early since at its early stages it can be treated with antibiotics. If not detected early Lyme disease can lead to serious complications which might be untreatable.
These are the signs and symptoms of Lyme disease

This rash often referred to as erythema migrans, is one of the major symptom of Lyme disease. A small red bump may appear at the place where the tick bites. With time this bump expands and grows bigger. It might also spread to other parts of the body. A rash appears among 70% of all victims of Lyme disease. The rash is always painless.

Flu like symptoms
They include fever, fatigue, acute headache and back ache .They always happen when the boreal bacteria moves into the blood stream.
Victims always ignore these symptoms as common cold but it’s better to see your doctor once bitten by a tick and start experiencing these symptoms.

Rash and flu like symptoms are the main early symptoms of Lyme disease. Other people at this stage may experience irregular heartbeat, eye and liver inflation and also severe fatigue. Remember this disease is treatable and easily manageable at its early stages.so it’s better to watch out for the symptoms and see your doctor, the sooner the better.

Weeks or months after infection victims may experience the following symptoms:
Pain in joints
This happens when the infection spreads to other parts of the body. Knees are the most likely place to be affected but it can move from one joint to another.

Nervous system
The disease after many years of infection may affect your brains causing meningitis, numbness in some parts of the body and impaired physical movement.

News Kenya

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