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Saturday, 25 October 2014

News Kenya


Diabetes has always been described as a lifestyle disease and surprisingly it affects mostly the rich. Diabetes might go for years without being detected. Diabetes 2 is the one which might go for years without being detected thus has always been described as harmless.
Here are the signs and symptoms to watch out for.
It’s the most common symptom. Victims will always feel a greater urge to drink more water which leads to frequent urination.
The thirst occurs because of excessive build-up of sugar in the blood thus causing the body to react thus the victim will feel very thirsty and starts to drink a lot of water which in turn leads to frequent urination.
Because of build-up of sugar in the blood stream the body becomes dehydrated. Dehydration causes fatigue. Thus patients always feel tired and they don’t get refreshed even after sleeping for long hours.
Weight loss
Sugar is lost from the body through frequent urination this leads to lose of calories. Diabetes also keep sugar from reaching major cells thus victim gets hungry and will need to eat more.
Lose of calories and lack o sugar in the cells leads to weight loss
Blurred vision
Some people have become completely blind because of diabetes. I advise you to go to your doctor if you start experiencing a blurred vision. It always occurs because of build of blood in the cells in your retina which in turn damage established cells.
Tingling hands and feet
Diabetes sometimes causes damage in the nervous system. If you can’t feel your hands or your feet it might be a red light of diabetes. See your doctor as soon as possible.
Slow healing and infection
Diabetes causes wounds to heal slowly. This is because of build-up of sugar in the blood stream which affects the healing processes.
Diabetes also causes infections especially vaginal infection which is common in most of female diabetes patients.

News Kenya

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