Lisa Martinez shot to fame recently after photos of her posing with stacks of cash on Instagram went viral. Many have questioned the source of her wealth with some linking her to drugs and others claiming that she is into dirty business but that’s not the case. Lisa Martinez has exclusively revealed to Mpasho her source of wealth.
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She is a rich kid of Instagram. She is known for her flashy lifestyle on her Instagram account. Lisa Martinz, a 21-year-old Kenyan lady, was adopted by her ‘parents’ when she was 2 years old, she schooled in primary school in the country then went to Montenegro Island for High School and university.
The rich kid owns a Mercedes S Class, Range Rover Vogue (bullet proof) and Evoque and a Volvo convertible.
Lisa Martinez
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Lisa who is currently into the real estate business as well as buying and selling cars, says she is a born-again Christian and married. The sexy lass stays in Nyari, one of the posh estates in the city and she is also working on starting an orphanage in Nairobi. Lisa Martinez claims that her parents stay in the London and she goes to visit them often.