Kissing is always the best make up sex. Most of you will agree with me
that kissing is the sweetest thing ever. But did you know that kissing
can cause an infection?
Yes kissing causes Mono which is a mainly transmitted through kissing.
Sometimes it can be transmitted through coughing, sneeze, sharing food
and utensils.
Funny fact is that mono does not affect children. It affects young adults mainly those in adolescent.
So what is mono? From Wikipedia mono is an infectious, widespread viral
disease caused by EBV which is one type of herpes virus.
Adults will have acquired immunity for this by the age of 4o.
Here are the main signs and symptoms of Mono
Lack of appetite
Patients always lose interest of all kind of food. When they eat they puke all over the place.
Mono makes the victims feel very tired and they will always feel fatigued no matter how much they rest.
This is total lack of energy and interest. It’s a common symptom among all victims of mono.
Severe sore throat
This sore throat won’t go away even if you swallow pills. It’s always severe and very painful.
This is a common symptom. Temperatures of the body can go up to over 70 degree F. victims always experience a high fever
Swollen glands and tonsils
Lymph nodes are part of the body’s natural immune system. Infections
always affect the immune system causing lymph nodes to be swollen. They
are always referred to as tonsils.
If you experience any of the above symptoms go and see you doctor as soon as possible to get medication.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
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