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Thursday, 22 September 2016

News Kenya

How yo spot the single Nairobi woman

How to spot the single Nairobi woman

– Men, have you ever wondered how you can tell if a Nairobi woman is single?

– Here are some signs you can look out for

– They include the type of music she listens to and how often she’s dating how many men at a time

It is the dream of many young Nairobi women to get an education, find a well-paying job and have a family. The goal posts for many Nairobi women have, however, shifted and it’s not because of lack of trying, but a flooded market.

There are too many single women for the few Nairobi men, and some women just don’t see themselves settling down.

Here is how to spot the single Nairobi woman- the one who just can’t land a man even if her life depended on it

1. Party animal

This woman is at the club or the local joint every single day. Her house is just a stopover to confirm she still has a place to land. Otherwise, her friends’ places will do for a shower and borrowing clothes.

Her social media accounts are full of pictures of her ‘living the life’ with some different guy in the background on each photo.

Her relationship status will always read its complicated. Not single or in a relationship, its complicated. Why would she announce her lovelorn life online and make it real?

Plus she will always be in the company of other women getting high on weed, shisha and alcohol. Only man in sight will be the one who is too whipped to let his woman go clubbing alone in this land of Team Mafisi.

2. Serial dater

This Nairobi woman is ever going out on dates. And she never seems to get past the second date with one guy.

She is always talking about her dating experience with this guy or that guy in one weekend.

And if she does land a boyfriend, the relationships never go past the three-month mark.

Reverend Miller with his two wives. The younger one started out as a friend to the couple.

3. The third-wheel

This lady is always part of someone else’s relationship. Often, it is the relationship of her best friend or her sister’s.

She will accompany her friend and her man to wedding events, house parties and family get-togethers with zero chills.

She will, whether knowingly or unknowingly, put a strain on the couple’s relationship and then take the woman’s side when her man decides he’s had enough.

4. The kind of music they listen to

Shall I list them for you?

I’m a survivor- Destiny’s Child

Miss Independent – Neyo

Irreplaceable- Beyonce

Single Ladies- Beyonce

Girl on Fire- Alicia Keya

No scrubs- TLC

I’m every woman- Chaka Khan

These Nairobi women have accepted the fact that they are single and therefore need music to reaffirm that they are not in the singles boat on their own. There must be millions of others experiencing her plight if such music can be produced.

5. Life plans

A single woman only cares about making money to buy herself the latest everything.

It does not matter how she comes across the money but she will put the hustle above relationships and desires of settling down.

She is all about instant gratification and that is why she will post nude pictures on her social media accounts to attract sponsors, or will funga a man with an unplanned pregnancy knowing that he will have to provide for her.

She yearns to build her own empire before she can introduce a man to her life and her family.

However, she might have a secret man tucked away somewhere to handle her needs without the knowledge of her friends.

It is her choice to remain single, but it does not mean she won’t get to enjoy herself.

  Source tuko.co.ke news

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